Sunday, December 18, 2011

Tactical Training Associates Handgun 1 Course today..

Did TTA's handgun 1 course again with my buddy, Eric. Probably fired another 287 rounds into the P-01. Definitely a faster class today even with beginners since it was half the size of the first class I took.  Got to shoot more rounds compared to the lower 200s like last time. Gun did well today and functioned perfectly with the standard Fed Champion 115 gr 9mm ammo as well as with 50 rounds of the Fed HST 9mm 124gr ammo. This was also a testing ground for the new hammer and disconnector from Cajun Gun Works that I had installed prior. No malfunctions to report. I did, however, messed up a few times with doing admin reloads on my gun and never checking to see if it was loaded. I had forgotten that I ran empty on the last run and just sent the slide forward and then did an admin reload. Loudest click I ever heard was while being on that line and pressing that trigger with nothing happening. Total round count now is 2587

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Target Masters West range day..

Went to TM in Milpitas today to function test the P-01. Installed a CGW Kit #4 Hammer/Disconnector kit along with a new hammer strut and pins. Installation took about an hour and a half. Could be quicker but this was my first time so I was taking my time making sure not to lose track of parts and where they go for reinstallation. With that said, I did manage to reinstall everything fine and function tested the pistol when I saw in the corner of my eye that the firing pin spring had fallen out. Gah. Had to take out the sear pin a bit to reinstall the pin which, thankfully, didn't take very long but it was a bit of a chore.

Fired about 100 thru it at TM without any problems. Trigger definitely breaks crisper in SA, and there is basically no perceivable camming of the hammer anymore in either DA or SA. Also rented out a CZ Rami since it might be a possible future gun. I can shoot it fine but you definitely notice less accuracy in its shorter barrel compared to my P-01. I can only hook 2 fingers on the grip when shooting which is fine, but have to remember to watch out for the mag when reloading. That mag change can bite your hand if you're not paying attention. Still, it was good feeling gun to shoot and could do well as a CCW type gun although I might opt for a pinky extension on the mags if I were to get one.

Round count for the P-01 is now 2300.